The detailed course schedule for the semester is below. Please note that dates and topics are subject to change and will depend on the pace of the course. Please stay apprised of any changes announced in class. You can find the materials for each course meeting under the “materials” links for that week in the schedule below. You should generally:
- watch the lecture videos (if any) and complete the readings before the assigned class period
- submit any reading discussion questions, problem sets, or other assignments by 10:30am on the assigned due date
Here’s a guide to the schedule:
- Materials (): This page contains the readings, slides, and videos (if any) for the topic. Do the readings and watch the videos before coming to class on the indicated date. Slides will typically be posted before each class.
- Tutorial (): A link to the tutorial for that week (if any). Note that we will complete tutorials in class - these are NOT homework.
- Assignment (): This page contains the instructions for each assignment. Assignments are due by 10:30 AM on the day they’re listed.
Week 1
January 14
Course Introduction
January 16
U.S. Health Policy Landscape
Week 2
January 21
Data Lab - Getting Started with R and RStudio
January 23
No Class
Week 3
January 28
Policy Analysis Overview
January 30
Data Lab - Navigating RStudio
Week 4
February 4
Effective Policy Memos and Case Presentations
February 6
Data Lab - Descriptive Comparisons: Medicaid and Health
Week 5
February 11
Medicaid Work Requirements: Stakeholder Perspectives
February 13
Data Lab - Expanding Descriptive Comparisons: Medicaid and Health
Week 6
February 18
Research Design: Randomization and Regression
February 20
Data Lab - Regression Basics: Controlling for Confounders
Week 7
February 25
Reimagining the Affordable Care Act
February 27
Data Lab - Regression Basics: Controlling for Counfounders Pt.2
Week 8
March 4
No Class - Spring Break!
March 6
No Class - Spring Break!
Week 9
March 11
Case Presentations
March 13
Case Presentations
Week 10
March 18
Research Design: Natural Experiments
March 20
Data Lab - Louisiana Medicaid Expansion and Medicaid Coverage
Week 11
March 25
Medicaid Financing: FMAP and Block Grants
March 27
Data Lab - Louisiana Medicaid Expansion and Medicaid Coverage Pt.2
Week 12
April 1
Quasi-Experimental Reserach Designs
April 3
Data Lab - Medicaid Expansion and Health
Week 13
April 8
Quasi-Experimental Research Designs Pt.2
April 10
Data Lab - Medicaid Expansion and Health
Week 14
April 15
No Class - Lagniappe Day
April 17
No Class - Capstone Trip
Week 15
April 22
Data Lab - Data Visualization
April 24
Provider Payment Reforms: Policy Trade-Offs and Stakeholder Impacts
Week 16
April 29
Data Lab - Data Visualization Pt.2
May 1
No Class - Final Policy Memo Due